
One Response

  1. Wassi · October 8, 2015 at 18:12:14 · →

    We get milk straight from our farm so it is as whole as it can get. We went to my parntes a couple weeks ago and they drink skim and I had not brought any milk with me as we ended up staying for lunch which was not in my original plans. Neither of my kids would touch it, after drinking whole milk I found it so watery. My parntes had a dairy until I was 7 and the rest of my siblings were well grown and out of the house by that time. As kids none of us struggled with weight and were on the slim side.It is getting hard to find yogurt that is not low fat other then the greek yogurt. Our grocery is small and not much choices. I am able to get Stoneyfield’s yogurt in the big container but all the small one are low fat or fat free. For some reason my kids love the single serve so if they are on sale I buy them just wish there was more choices. Half the case is now taken up by Greek yogurt, which is yummy but at over a dollar and cup I cannot afford to buy it for our family as we go through a lot of yogurt.I love the Stoneyfield’s whole milk French vanilla, it is my favorite and I could eat the whole container. I have even gotten my husband to eat the plain with some honey drizzled over it. He liked it so much it was an after supper snack.With most cheese you are only saving 10-20 calories per serving if you go with the low fat. Overall that is not much and really not worth the sacrifice in flavor.

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