86nehc 說道:Chen86, There is a difference here. People take time, eforft and trouble to come out with something innovative, our friends in China just rob and enjoy.. Maybe you have overlooked even SY advises against such blatant disregard for such intellectual rights. Or maybe you are too green a horn to appreciate your Lao Shi’s eforfts telling people not to rob others’ intellectual properties. Worse even in your case, you think the Chinese should be proud of it. Shame, shame on you.
86nehc 說道:Chen86, There is a difference here. People take time, eforft and trouble to come out with something innovative, our friends in China just rob and enjoy.. Maybe you have overlooked even SY advises against such blatant disregard for such intellectual rights. Or maybe you are too green a horn to appreciate your Lao Shi’s eforfts telling people not to rob others’ intellectual properties. Worse even in your case, you think the Chinese should be proud of it. Shame, shame on you.